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MVR 100 million loan scheme for female entrepreneurs

Malika Shahid
16 November 2023, MVT 12:04
From the launching of President Elect Dr Mohamed Muizzu's first 100 day plan.-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Malika Shahid
16 November 2023, MVT 12:04

The government of Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, who will be sworn in as President tomorrow, will introduce a loan scheme worth MVR 100 million to support women in starting and promoting businesses.

Dr. Muizzu's 100-day plan, titled 'Week 14,' includes several initiatives for female entrepreneurs and workers. The plan includes increasing the representation of women in senior positions in state and state-owned companies.

As part of the plan, a MVR 100 million "start-up loan scheme" will be implemented for women. Additionally, an online platform will be established for women and young entrepreneurs to sell fish products.

President-elect Dr. Mohamed Muizzu launches his 100 day plan titled 'Week 14' -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa

The 100-day pledges further involve increasing the number of women employed in tourism, reforming the legal framework to ensure a safe and equitable working environment, designating a dedicated area in Hulhumalé for women to sell products, facilitating leasing finance for female entrepreneurs, establishing a system for marketing locally grown produce, and providing special opportunities for women.

'Week 14' also includes the launch of a national campaign to enhance the role of women across various fields. The plan proposes the introduction of the "Equality Guaranteed" symbol at the national level to promote gender equality in government agencies and private businesses.