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Hassan Zakariyya appointed as member of Elections Commission

Hassan Zakariyya, who served as Secretary General at the Elections Commission (EC), has been appointed as a member of the commission by President Dr Mohamed Muizzu.

Hanaan Hussain
15 April 2024, MVT 13:29
Hanaan Hussain
15 April 2024, MVT 13:29

Hassan Zakariyya had served in the position of Secretary General at EC for the past three years, and received Majlis approval for his appointment on 1 April.

The term for a member of the Elections Commission is five years. With his new appointment, Hassan will be joining EC President Fuad Thaufeeq, Vice President Ali Nashaath and members Dr Mohamed Zahir and Mohamed Asif at the commission.

The vacant member seat to which Hassan was appointed was previously held by former Vice President Ismail Habeeb, who resigned from the commission following the fulfillment of his second term at EC. At the time of his resignation, Ismail Habeeb had served 21 years at the Elections Commission in various capacities.

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