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Maldives electoral watchdog rejects MDP's 'illegal' primary

Nafaahath Ibrahim
31 May 2018, MVT 18:12
MDP Presidential Primary held on May 30. PHOTO/NISHAN ALI
Nafaahath Ibrahim
31 May 2018, MVT 18:12

The Elections Commission (EC) stated on Thursday that the presidential primary held by main opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) on Wednesday would not be accepted.

Former President Mohamed Nasheed, the sole candidate in MDP's primary, won with 43,922 votes in favour, despite court orders to cease the voting.

The Civil Court had ordered Police and other relevant authorities to stop MDP's primary. Even after several disruptions by the police, including confiscating of the ballot boxes, MDP had continued voting until midnight.

EC had previously issued a warning to MDP, stating the the party could be dissolved if they allowed Nasheed to run, as the former president is convicted on terrorism charges to 13-years, which renders him ineligible to contest for president according to the Constitution.

According EC member Ahmed Akram, MPD's primary was held illegally, despite several warnings from the commission. He added that they would decide on a course of action against MDP coming Sunday.

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