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Hassan Latheef elected as President of The Democrats

Malika Shahid
03 December 2023, MVT 23:16
West Henveiru MP Hassan Latheef has been elected as the President of The Democrats
Malika Shahid
03 December 2023, MVT 23:16

The Democrats, whose results were delayed, have declared that the incumbent Chairperson, Hassan Latheef, has been elected as the President of the party.

Hassan competed against Hussain Amru, the former Managing Director of the State Trading Organization (STO), who played a significant role in the establishment of The Democrats.

Prior to the official announcement of the results by the party, both Hassan and Amru independently proclaimed victory.

In a press conference to disclose the results, Central Henveiru MP Ali Azim stated that a total of 3,029 party members participated in the elections held in Malé City and across the islands yesterday.

Hassan Latheef secured 1,804 votes, while Amru received 1,300 votes, Azim said.

A total of 35 posts were elected, while some results were announced this evening. Madaveli MP Hussain Firushan has been elected as the Vice-President of the youth wing.

Amru, who lost the elections, said it would be difficult to believe if the results were declared unfavorably close to 24 hours after the conclusion of the internal elections.