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"Yameen will find solution if candidacy is denied": Shareef

12 June 2023, MVT 14:16
Adam Shareef speaks at the rally held by PPM in April
12 June 2023, MVT 14:16

The Vice President of the People's National Congress (PNC) and Maduvvaree MP Adam Shareef has expressed confidence that a solution will be found for the situation where former President Abdulla Yameen, the presidential candidate of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), is unable to contest in the upcoming presidential elections. PNC works closely in partnership with the PPM.

“President Yameen has repeatedly said there will always be a PPM candidate. Therefore, it is certain that he will find a solution for a scenario where he cannot contest,” said MP Shareef who was the Minister of Defense President Yameen’s government.

Yameen lost the opportunity to contest in the upcoming presidential election due to his conviction in the case of Vaavu atoll Aarah. He was sentenced to 11 years in prison and fined USD 5 million for money laundering related to the case.

The appeal of Yameen's verdict related to the Aarah case has commenced in High Court. However, it remains uncertain if a decision on the appeal will be reached before the Elections Commission's announcement of candidates for the presidential election on July 23.

The Elections Commission has set August 3 as the deadline for candidate nominations for the upcoming presidential elections, which is scheduled to take place on September 9.

"The appeal has already begun. The question will only arise if President Yameen is still in prison when the announcement for candidate nominations is made," MP Shareef said.

According to him, the PPM/PNC collectively believes that President Yameen has been given a impermissible verdict.

MP Shareef said President Yameen’s campaign will commence soon.

"Preparations to start the campaign are ongoing. Meetings are being conducted. President Yameen has also completed most of the work on the manifesto," he said, adding that the party will get a “boost” if Yameen is freed from prison.