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STO opens new outlet in Hulhumalé for Ramadan

18 March 2023, MVT 18:49
STO CEO and Managing Director Hussen Amr (R) inaugurating the new 'STO Roadha Mart' in Hulhumalé phase two, located at Vinares Tower Nine. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI / MIHAARU
18 March 2023, MVT 18:49

The State Trading Organisation (STO) has opened a new outlet in Hulhumalé phase two ahead of Ramadan.

'STO Roadha Mart' is located in Vinares Tower Nine. It was inaugurated by STO's CEO and Managing Director, Hussen Amr.

The store will offer a wide range of food items that are primarily imported by STO, such as flour and sugar, for retail and wholesale. Staples that are in high demand during Ramadan, including onions, garlic, potatoes, and eggs, will also be in stock at the new store.

STO also said that it will facilitate the sale of short eats and snacks prepared for iftar at the store as well.

In addition to this new store, STO will be selling wholesale goods at the STO Wholesale Center and the Industrial Village in Hulhumalé.

Every Ramadan, the state-owned STO enables easier ways to buy staples.

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STO Ramazan Sale
