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Ali Waheed criticises JP and Qasim for their alliance with former President

Shahudha Mohamed
04 April 2019, MVT 12:59
JP President and Minister of Tourism Ali Waheed speaking a the campaign rally of Faris Maumoon. PHOTO: HUSSIAIN WAHEED / MIHAARU
Shahudha Mohamed
04 April 2019, MVT 12:59

Jumhooree Party's (JP) President and Minister of Tourism Ali Waheed expressed grave concern over the disputes within JP on Wednesday night.

Speaking at the campaign rally held to garner support for Hisaan Hussain, gunning for Thulhaadhoo constituency in the upcoming parliamentary elections, Ali Waheed heavily criticised Jumhooree Party and its leader Qasim Ibrahim.

This is the first time Qasim and JP were openly called out from within the faction, whilst disputes between the JP leader and former President Mohamed Nasheed regarding Maldivian Democratic Party's failure to supposedly uphold their end of the coalition agreement continue to grow more heated.

Ali Waheed stated that was not opposed to being dismissed from the party in response to his statements.

According to Minister Waheed, the disconcerting situation within JP is perpetuated by the new members integrated into the party by former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom.

Various individuals, including MPs hailing from PPM, who worked closely with Yameen joined JP following the former president's overwhelming defeat in the 2018 elections.

Blaming Yameen for the conflicts within Jumhooree Party, Waheed further added that this time, no chance must be given to sabotage the government.

Ali Waheed, who worked closely with Qasim and secured his position in the cabinet on JP's slot, stated that party ideologies and policies must come after the best interest of the country and people.

Recalling MDP, JP, Adhaalath Party and Maumoon Reform Movement (MRM) working together for the presidential elections, Waheed stated that "sacrifices made that day must be remembered."

Moreover, he expressed great sadness over the efforts of "pirates" infiltrating JP and creating discord within the party.

"Therefore, I believe we must work against it," Waheed said.

Stating that 115 days ago, JP members spoke of the corruption involved in development projects such as Dharumavantha Hospital and Sinamale' Bridge, the tourism minister alleged that some had already forgotten the discussions.

Waheed also highlighted times when then-opposition declared everyone in Yameen's cabinet to be "thieves" whose limbs would be severed if laws of Sharia were enacted. However, he said that some of those who declared this have since then joined up with the "thieves" in an "attempt to severe the limbs of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih."

Additionally, Waheed blamed educated party members armed with relevant know-how for their hesitation to speak up against rising hypocrisy within the party.

Waheed also stated that he was against the idea of JP forming a coalition with Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and People's National Congress (PNC), with the intent of securing a majority in the parliamentary elections or otherwise.

The JP President also criticised Qasim and JP during the campaign rally held in Manadhoo, Noonu Atoll, on Wednesday evening.

In a not-so-subtle reference to the party's leader, Waheed stated that enough time had not passed, to justify forgetting the events that transpired during Yameen's administration.

Noting that it was the power of the people that evoked change within the government, not that of the four party leaders, Waheed stated that people would not simply cast votes for candidates upon direction from the leaders.

"The people changed this country. This country was not changed by four people."