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Parliament unable to hold sitting due to lack of quorum

Parliament has cancelled today's sitting due to a failure to meet the minimum required quorum even by 11:00 hrs despite multiple attempts by the Speaker.

Mariyath Mohamed
08 May 2024, MVT 11:44
From a previous Parliament sitting.-- Photo: Majlis Secretariat
Mariyath Mohamed
08 May 2024, MVT 11:44

Parliament has cancelled today's sitting due to a failure to meet the minimum required quorum even by 11:00 hrs despite multiple attempts by the Speaker.

Although parliament sittings are scheduled to start at 09:00 hrs every morning, today's live feed started much later. Once the live began, Speaker Mohamed Aslam stated that some MPs remained outside the parliament hall.

Hence, the Speaker announced that the meeting would commence at 10:00 hrs today and announced an intermission.

Once the live feed began again, Aslam said that there still were not enough members to meet the minimum required quorum, but that they would try to meet the quorum for one more hour before cancelling the day's sitting.

However, even at 11:00 hrs, the quorum had not been met. Aslam stated that only ten members of parliament were in attendance at the time.

"I have tried repeatedly. The quorum bell has been rung after eleven, and now five minutes have passed. So I intend to bring this sitting to an end," Aslam said.

While today's sitting has been cancelled, the current 19th People's Majlis will be holding its final sitting on coming Monday.

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