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STELCO welcomes National Service Award recipients with red carpet

Ameera Osmanagic
28 July 2024, MVT 23:04
Employees of STELCO who received the National Service Award on Friday
Ameera Osmanagic
28 July 2024, MVT 23:04

State Electric Company (STELCO) greeted 16 of its employees who received the National Service Award on Friday with a red carpet welcome.

The 16 employees were presented with the award during a special ceremony held on Friday night at the Social Centre by President Dr Mohamed Muizzu.

Following this, STELCO took the initiative to organise a special welcome ceremony for the company's award recipients with a red carpet and traditional boduberu music.

Among those who received the award include employees who are still serving the company, and others who have since retired.

Speaking at the event, STELCO's Managing Director Hussain Fahumy said that since serving the company is also serving the government, all employees of the company must remain prepared.

"There should be no lack in serving the government. There is no more important service than this to ensure the economic independence of the country," he said.

Employees who received the award include:

- Hassan Fauzy

- Hassan Hussain

- Mohamed Manik

- Hassan Amir

- Ahmed Manik

- Ali Nazim

- Mohamed Rasheed

- Hawwa Zahira

- Ahmed Mauroof

- Mohamed Ziyad

- Ahmed Rasheed

- Mohamed Shahid

- Ibraim Usman

- Mohamed Ageel Qasim

- Hassan Rasheed

- Ali Manaaf Adam

The National Service Award is conferred in appreciation of individuals who have served the government for over 35 years, demonstrating sincerity and competence in advancing the institution they worked for during that time.

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