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Dr. Muizzu responds to accusations

Mohamed Rehan
28 September 2023, MVT 11:38
Dr. Mohamed Muizzu; the opposition coalition's candidate responded to recent accusations and claimed he did not infringe the rights of anyone-- Photo: Nishan Ali | Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
28 September 2023, MVT 11:38

Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and People's National Congress (PNC) coalition's candidate Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has responded to recent accusations made against him.

Responding to the accusations, Dr. Muizzu assured he neither infringed the rights of nor harmed anyone.

Dr. Muizzu made these remarks while addressing a campaign rally held in Fuvahmulah City. The opposition candidate, along with his campaign team, has recently undertaken campaign visits to Laamu, Gaafu Alifu, Gaafu Dhaalu, Addu, and Gnaviyani atolls in preparation for the runoff polls scheduled for September 30.

While addressing the accusations, Dr. Muizzu said that the opponents launched anti-campaigns against him as a last resort after all their previous attempts to undermine him were unsuccessful.

At the rally, Dr. Muizzu had indirectly responded to recent accusations of alleged mistreatment to his step-mother following the demise of his father. The opposition coalition candidate said that he was unfazed and assured nothing about this was unanswerable.

"I have neither infringed the right of nor harmed anyone ever, and if anyone wishes to make an allegation, I request to seek a formal inquiry. Any formal inquiry by a relevant official body should probe the matter justly without political influence, which would reveal their lies to an even greater extent," Dr. Muizzu said.

Dr. Muizzu said that the personal attacks from the ruling party aimed at him were efforts to divert attention from the misdeeds of the current government. He further said that despite these attempts, the government's misconduct would not escape scrutiny.

"Regardless of the personal attacks, it is an undeniable truth that the Indian military is present in the Maldives. Regardless of personal attacks, it is another truth that they [the government] sold part of Maldivian territory. And despite their criticism, what is undeniable is that they drove the economy into a pit," he added.

Dr. Muizzu also said that the opposition would not resort to similar tactics but rather would continue its efforts to visit the public to listen to their demands.

He pledged to establish justice and rule of law in the Maldives.