The man was convicted of two charges and acquitted of one.
A man identified as Nasrulla Faiz has been sentenced to 25 years in prison by the Criminal Court for sexual abuse of a minor while being in a trusted position.
Although the man's name was revealed the timing of the incident, where it took place and other details regarding the case have not been disclosed. Trials of such cases are also carried out behind closed doors.
The prosecution filed three charges against Nasrulla. The charges include engaging in a sexual act with a child while being in a position of trust, touching a child with sexual intent and possession of a nude pictures.
He was sentenced to 15 years in prison for sexual assault while being in a position of trust and 10 years for touching with sexual intent. However, he was acquitted of possessing nude images.
Child sexual abuse carries one of the harshest punishments in Maldives.
[File] Criminal Court of Maldives -- Photo: Mihaaru