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Ooredoo and MTS to host Blood Donation Camp

Mariyam Malsa
05 November 2018, MVT 14:16
Ooredoo Maldives partners with Maldivian Thalassaemia Society (MTS) to host a Blood Donation Camp in capital city Malé / PHOTO: OOREDOO MALDIVES
Mariyam Malsa
05 November 2018, MVT 14:16

Local telecom giant, Ooredoo Maldives and the Maldivian Thalassaemia Society (MTS) are combining efforts to host a Blood Donation Camp in the capital city of Malé on November 12.

The camp, held at the Thalassaemia Centre, aims to meet the demand of blood for transfusions required by Thalassaemia patients. These monthly or weekly transfusions are essential in the treatment of Thalassaemia.

The camp is also intended to create awareness regarding the inherited blood disorder and increase the pool of regular donors, ensuring that the camp is more than a one off solution.

Thalassaemia causes abnormal or no production of red blood cells and can be fatal if left untreated. The disorder is highly prevalent in Maldives, with rates increasing in recent years.

The role of MTS, a local NGO, is therefore critical in enhancing quality of life for more than 800 regiatered Thalassaemia patients in Maldives.

MTS is the charity partner for the Color Run, an annual run held by Oreeshoo. scheduled for November 23. Ooredoo will be assisting MTS on their efforts.

Chief Executive Officer of Ooredoo Maldives, Najib Khan expressed gratefulness for the opportunity to use the Colour Run, scheduled for November 23, to partner up with a local charity in socially beneficial work.

"It’s our honour and privilege to welcome Maldivian Thalassemia Society as our Official Charity Partner for Ooredoo Color Run." stated Najib.

While the telecom company will be contributing a percentage of profits from the Colour Run to MTS, Chairperson of Maldivian Thalassemia Society Mariyam Suha described the partnership as "immensely assisting the work we do for our patients”.

Suha also expressed gratitude to Ooredoo for choosing them as the official partner charity organisation for the Colour Run. She also mentioned that contributions by partners and sponsors were critical in maintaining the charity's effort to help Thalassemia patients.

Ooredoo is one of the most prominent companies in the telecommunications industry. Ooredoo Maldives provides a wide range of innovative voice and data services tailored to the Maldivian population.

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