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PG Shameem says allegations against him 'hold no water'

Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem has denied all allegations raised against him today in Parliament's Judicial Committee meeting on dismissing him, saying they are baseless.

Mariyath Mohamed
22 August 2024, MVT 13:14
prosecutor general pg shameem
Mariyath Mohamed
22 August 2024, MVT 13:14

Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem has denied all allegations raised against him today in Parliament's Judicial Committee meeting on dismissing him. He said that the allegations hold no water, and added he is ready to resign if approached properly without resorting to raising the allegations.

Shameem told Mihaaru News that he categorically denies every allegation that has been raised against him in the letter sent by the Judiciary Committee.

"Those allegations are baseless," he said, adding that he had already been answerable earlier to all these claims.

Shameem said that the parliament would not have had to waste time on this if they had read reports, writings and essays earlier published by the PG Office.

"The allegations that have been raised against me are only placed with the intention of dismissing me from this position. These are allegations that hold no water, and have already been addressed earlier," Shameem said.

Shameem said that if he had been asked to step aside from his post instead of bringing up all these allegations, he would have obliged.

"I don't believe these allegations were raised in good faith. If, instead of raising baseless allegations, they had simply asked me to resign, I am ready to do that," Shameem asserted.

Shameem said that when the government had changed, he had met with some ministers are asked if there were any complaints against his work. He said that seven ministers and other officials of that level that he had met with had advised him to remain in his position.

He further said that no such concerns had been raised even in the latest parliament committee meeting.

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