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Fathimath Mohamed Solih appointed as Parliament Secretariat Chief of Bureau

Malika Shahid
05 December 2023, MVT 12:51
Fathimath Mohamed Solih (Faathey), who served as the senior most official in the secretariats of three former presidents
Malika Shahid
05 December 2023, MVT 12:51

Fathimath Mohamed Solih (Faathey), the senior most official in the secretariats of three former presidents, has been appointed as the Chief of the Bureau of the Parliament Secretariat.

Fathimath, who served in the President's Office for an long period of time, is the younger sibling of former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. Her most recent role was serving as a secretary to her brother Solih.

Hassan Ziyau, the Director of Communications at the Parliament, told 'Mihaaru News' that Fathimath was appointed as the Chief of the Bureau of the agency under the powers vested in the Parliament Speaker, following the regulations of the parliament to appoint staff for the work of the Speaker.

Fathimath served as Secretary to three former presidents, including Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, and Abdulla Yameen. She had the longest tenure of service under former President Maumoon.

It has been revealed that she resigned from the President's Office on November 17, following the conclusion of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's administration.

Fathimath began her service in the President's Office 37 years ago, in February 1986.