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Dhiraagu presents annual awards to celebrate staff achievements

Local telecom provider, Dhiraagu has held its annual award ceremony to honor the services of their staff and celebrate employee achievements at Congress Maldives.

Aishath Shuba Solih
13 July 2024, MVT 18:08
Aishath Shuba Solih
13 July 2024, MVT 18:08

Local telecom provider, Dhiraagu has held its annual award ceremony to honor the services of their staff and celebrate employee achievements.

The ceremony, which was held at Crossroads Maldives was inaugurated by the Chief Executive of the Communications Authority of Maldives (CAM), Ilyas Ahmed.

The ceremony saw 79 awards distributed in honor of staff who had contributed notable achievements to the company alongside long-serving staff which includes those who have worked for 10, 15 and 25 years in the company.

The company had also awarded 34 employees who had contributed to the company's success in various aspects, including 15 Divisional Merit Awards, 11 Special Merit Awards, 5 Innovation Awards and 2 Outstanding Leaders Awards.

The most honorable award of the ceremony, the Chairman Award was conferred to Ismail Samah at Engineer Core Systems with the company highlighting the significant contributions he has made to their main system projects through hard work and technical experience.

In addition to members of the company's Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director of Dhiraagu, Ismail Rasheed, the ceremony was attended by employees and senior officials of Dhiraagu as well.

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