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Binmaa releases children's book titled '100 Kudhi Vahaka'

Renowned local novelist, Binmaa has released a new children's book, titled '100 Kudhi Vahaka' which translates to '100 Small Stories'. The book will feature 100 moral stories for children with each story offering distinctive morals and advice.

Aishath Shuba Solih
27 June 2024, MVT 19:10
Binma's children's story book, '100 Kudhi Vahaka' or '100 Short Stories'.
Aishath Shuba Solih
27 June 2024, MVT 19:10

Renown Maldivian author and novelist, Binmaa Ibrahim Waheed has released a children's book titled '100 Kudhi Vahaka' which translates to '100 Small Stories'.

Binmaa stated that the book, inspired by countless ideas shared by the public in response to a Facebook post on July 3, 2020, will feature 100 comprehensive stories offering morals and advice.

Deliveries of the hardcover book, comprising of 324 pages, will be available begin Monday next week once an order is placed on Binmaa's online portal.

The book can be purchased from inkwellbybinma.com, at MVR 329.

A page from Binmaa's children's story book, '100 Kudhi Vahaka' or '100 Small Stories'.

"This is what is special about the book. Each story will have an illustration and an age-appropriate moral message. In order to help some messages reach the children, parents' assistance is also required. This is a book that gives 100 moral lessons through 100 stories," the book reads.

"Writing a book in an easily comprehensible way for children is hard and time-consuming work. That is why it took time to finish the book."

Each story in the book is in two pages long.

Binmaa began his writing career with the local newspaper 'Haveeru' on January 31, 1994. Over his 30-year career, the novelist has written and published 1,063 stories.

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