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Blue Prosperity Coalition, Maldives launches 'NooRaajje' campaign

Mariyam Malsa
07 December 2020, MVT 16:56
Blue Prosperity Foundation has launched the Nooraajje campaign in collaboration with the government. PHOTO: NOORAAJJE
Mariyam Malsa
07 December 2020, MVT 16:56

The Blue Prosperity Foundation, on Monday, launched the 'NooRaajje' campaign in collaboration with the Maldivian government.

NooRaajje, which translates to "Blue Maldives", is intended to protect Maldives' ocean resources and cultivate a beneficial future for communities, the economy and the environment.

Additionally, the programme will also promote the advancement of Maldivian ocean science and stewardship through research, education, capacity building and outreach, including collaborating with and providing support to local scientists and civil society.

Overall, the NooRaajje campaign aims to safeguard ocean resources, restore the health of coral ecosystems, support the sustainable development of ocean industries, increase Maldives' influence in managing the Indian Ocean's shared tuna stock, and ensure the protection of at least 20 percent of Maldivian ocean territory.

"The government is excited to take forward our partnership with the Blue Prosperity Coalition through the NooRaajje campaign to better understand and protect our ocean, while guiding our efforts to inaugurate a truly blue economy", stated the President's Office.

The Blue Prosperity Foundation is a coalition of partners engaging with countries to protect 30 percent of the oceans and establish a Blue Prosperity Plan through Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), an approach that uses spatial information about natural resources and human uses to develop a comprehensive management system.

In September 2019, the Maldivian government signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Blue Prosperity Foundation at the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

Under the partnership, Maldives and Blue Prosperity Coalition will devise a six-year programme to ensure the sustainability of Maldivian waters and marine environment, including territorial seas, archipelagic seas and the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).