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JSC creates committee to probe Civil Court's Chief Judge

Shahudha Mohamed
18 June 2020, MVT 15:19
Inside the Civil Court. FILE PHOTO/MIHAARU
Shahudha Mohamed
18 June 2020, MVT 15:19

Judicial Service Commission (JSC) voted on investigating another disciplinary issue of Civil Court's Chief Judge Abdulla Ali and established a special committee to probe into the matter.

According to JSC, the judge is being investigated over the annulment of a case submitted to the Criminal Court, in the absence of the individual representing the plaintiff and without having issued a summons.

JSC had formerly investigated two disciplinary concerns filed against Judge Abdulla Ali in July 2019 and January 2020.

Civil Court's Chief Magistrate Abdulla Ali. PHOTO: MIHAARU FILES

In addition to Abdulla Ali, JSC is also investigating three other judges, including Gaafu Alif Atoll Kondey Magistrate Court's Chief Magistrate Mohamed Ibrahim, Fuvahmulah Magistrate Court's Magistrate Mul'ha Ali and Hulhumale' Magistrate Court's Chief Magistrate Siyaama Mohamed.

Kondey's Chief Magistrate Mohamed Ibrahim is presently under investigation over possible negligence as per the Judicature Act, having appointed an individual with whom he shares familial ties to the post of an administrative officer at the court.

Fuvahmulah Magistrate Mul'ha allegedly held inappropriate relations with individuals involved in ongoing court cases. He also stands accused of revising and making a decision on remanding a suspect, in a sexual assault case, while another judge had already granted a remand period.

JSC stated that the commission also received complaints that Mul'ha was actively partaking in the family business, obstructed a police investigation, and had attempted to destroy evidence, among other disciplinary violations.

Moreover, the commission also revealed that Hulhumale' Chief Magistrate Siyaama is under investigation for acting against his responsibilities, specifically in a manner that may distort the truth, whilst issuing a suspect's remand.

On June 10, JSC placed Mohamed Mausoom, the Chief Magistrate of the Haa Dhaalu Atoll judicial constituency, under suspension over a string of serious allegations, involving bribery and sexual harassment.

JSC also commenced a probe last month into accusations made against Judge Ibrahim Ali of the Criminal Court claiming that he had issued an unlawful order. Furthermore, the commission is looking into a disciplinary issue pertaining to Judge Hassan Najeeb of the same court. He has been placed under suspension.

JSC previously revealed that has launched multiple investigations into cases involving judges of other courts as well.

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