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Things that can be done at a personal level to remain in good health must be done: Health Minister

Minister Khaleel stated that it is the government's responsibility to ensure equal access to health services without discrimination and stated that identifying and performing things that can be personally done to remain in good health needs to be considered.

Aishath Shuba Solih
07 April 2024, MVT 15:54
Minister of Health, Dr Abdulla Khaleel.
Aishath Shuba Solih
07 April 2024, MVT 15:54

Minister of Health, Dr Abdulla Khaleel has stated today that identifying the things can be done at a personal level to remain in a healthy state and shaping actions accordingly with this is something that needs to implemented.

During an address given on occasion of the World Health day celebrated today under the theme "My Health - My Right" which emphasizes the right of everyone to access quality health services, education and information to prevent non-communicable diseases, Minister Khaleel stated that while health is a right given to each and every individual, there are responsibilities that also comes with this right.

The Minister had called unto the people to secure their health rights among nourishments, lifestyles and relationships and stay aware of health while navigating a familial and individual lifestyle as well.

"Things that can be and must be done at a personal level to remain in good health must be identified and our actions must be shaped accordingly to it," asserted the Minister.

He stated that a common misconception is that health or health rights are the health treatments provided from hospitals and health centers and emphasized that even the role that various individuals must fulfil to obtain good health is at times, not considered.

He had insisted that matters such as themes related to the health of mothers and babies, good nourishment essential for growth and health, clean drinking water and cleanliness of homes must be paid attention to.

"These are matters directly related to our physical and mental health regardless of being outside health service provision centers and sometimes the health industry as well. These are things that will affect our health positively and negatively based on how each of these matters unfold or doesn't unfold.

Minister Khaleel maintained that efficient arrangements must be embodied to secure health rights and sustainably protect it as these matters have an affect on health.

He further highlighted going to frequent medical checkups to identify the contraction of an illness ahead of time, taking medicine and vaccines that ensure protection from certain illnesses in advance, procure effective information on health and acquaint the society with healthy habits among measures that can be taken within personal responsibility.

During his address, Minister Khaleel further asserted that ensuring equal accessibility to essential and high quality health treatments, services and protection in the absence of financial and physical challenges for the people of the country without any discrimination is a duty of the State. He stated that while international human rights resolutions attended by Maldives ascertain this, defending these rights is the responsibility of the entire State.

Minister Khaleel assured that efforts to bring forth preferable changes to the health industry has begun consequent to this. He highlighted efforts to introduce air ambulance services and medical checkups in addition to making beneficial changes to the Aasandha health insurance system within this.

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