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Pres requests public to not support MDP despite discontentment

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has expressed disappointment against divisions caused by the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) / People's National Congress (PNC) coalition's decision to endorse separate candidates in the upcoming Parliamentary Elections.

Hanaan Hussain
03 April 2024, MVT 16:43
Hanaan Hussain
03 April 2024, MVT 16:43

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has expressed disappointment against divisions caused by the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) / People's National Congress (PNC) coalition's decision to endorse separate candidates from those that won the primaries in the upcoming Parliamentary Elections.

Speaking at the campaign launch held last night for PPM/PNC candidate for Laamu atoll Gan, Yoosuf Nasheed's campaign, President Dr Muizzu expressed dismay that some former party candidates had decided to support opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) candidates in the election, adding that this could cause the ruling party to lose critical seats in the Majlis Elections.

"Unfortunately, some of us are pledging allegiance to MDP today," said the President. "They are prioritizing their own interests ahead at the expense of the constituency seat. This information has reached me through reliable sources, and I am regretful to note this. I implore you to stop this."

In addition to this, the President questioned whether the public wished at all to return the country to the trajectory of the past five years. He said that efforts had been made to rectify the compromised state of religious affairs and freedoms in the country, stating that it was not right to associate with those that had plunged the country into that situation.

The President also noted that some people had decided to place their own interests first and continue with their own candidacies even after party primaries had ended, or the ruling party had decided to endorse certain other candidates. He added that their decision could lead to the party losing seats they might otherwise have won with ease in the upcoming elections.

"I am saddened to see this happening in constituencies that can be won easily," noted the President. "I implore you, dear citizens, to not do this. We are observing this in a few constituencies, but those are the strongest for us, which is why I am making this request."

The President stated that if another PPM/PNC candidate contests for constituencies where the government has endorsed a candidate already, it would divide voters and leave the seats to be won by the opposition MDP or others.

"The 20 days we have left are not too short to solve this. We must place our own desires and self-interests behind us and prioritize the country. I do not wish to close my eyes and pretend this is not happening, which is why I am saying this to you live from a podium," said the President.

In his remarks, President Dr Muizzu declined to mention any specific constituencies. However, his address has come at a time where the ruling PPM/PNC coalition has decided to support certain candidates while others have won tickets in the PNC primary, causing heated disagreements and divisions within the party's supporter base.

President Muizzu has recently affirmed his resolve to fix this issue in the days leading up to the elections.

In the case of electing an MP for the Thimarafushi constituency, government officials have endorsed Ahmed Riyaz's campaign despite Ibrahim Sanah (Santo) having won the party primary. Ahmed Riyaz is the brother of Abdulla Riyaz, who is the sitting MP for Thimarafushi constituency for the 19th People's Majlis. Similar incidents where multiple candidates have appeared within the ruling party's network for the same seat have been noted in other constituencies.

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