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14 Maldivians surfers to compete in Asian Surfing Championships 2024

Following the success of last years tournament, ASF has allowed a team from Thulusdhoo to participate in this years championship in recognition of their efforts.

Malika Shahid
19 August 2024, MVT 12:25
Asian Surfing Championships 2024
Malika Shahid
19 August 2024, MVT 12:25

Asian Surfing Federation (ASF) has granted the Maldives Surfing Association (MSA) the opportunity to represent the Maldives at this year's Asian Surfing Championships, a key qualifying event for the 2026 Asian Games in Japan.

Given the limited slots available due to the small number of Maldivian athletes, only a select group will be competing in the tournament.

Representing the Maldives will be the national team and Team Thulusdhoo.

Team Thulusdhoo:

- Men's Open: Hassan Nasih, Ismail Rasheed, Ahmed Hisham Shaheem

- Men's Junior: Kayan Abdulla Areef, Mohamed Inan Abdul Hannaan, Ahmed Zayan

National Surfing Team:

- Men's Open: Ahmed Aagil, Hoodh Ahmed, Ismail Miglal

- Men's Junior: Sayyid Salahuddin, Yasin Ahmed Nashid, Yoosuf Kayan Hamdhan Zaki

- Women's Open: Aya Naseem, Shaziya Saeed

The opportunity to qualify for the Asian Games is open to national team surfers competing in the open categories.

Maldives Surfing team with senior officials of Thulusdhoo Surfing Association -- Photo: Surfing Association Thulusdhoo

Last year, the tournament was hosted in Thulusdhoo, marking the first time the Asian Surfing Federation held an event in the Maldives.

The success of the championship was largely due to the support and cooperation from the Thulusdhoo Council, island residents, and the Surfing Association of Thulusdhoo. In recognition of their efforts, ASF has allowed a team from Thulusdhoo to participate in this year's competition.

MSA expressed its gratitude to Thulusdhoo council, the island's surfing community, and the general public for their support.

In last year’s tournament, 17 Maldivian athletes, coached by South Africa's Clyde Martin, competed, with Thulusdhoo receiving two wild card entries as the tournament's host.

This year, 14 Maldivian athletes from two teams will have the chance to showcase their skills against Asia's top surfers.

The athletes will be coached by Hussain Arif (Ibu), who previously won bronze medals in the men's open category at the last two ASF Asian Surfing Championships.

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