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Supreme Court rejects case to determine Speaker Nasheed has lost his seat

Lamya Abdulla
15 November 2022, MVT 12:57
(FILE) Speaker Nasheed addressing the parliament on October 31, 2022: Nasheed has been under a lot of criticism since he had left to represent Sri Lanka in the COP27 Summit-- Photo: Parliament
Lamya Abdulla
15 November 2022, MVT 12:57

Supreme Court of Maldives rejected the case submitted to them requesting the court to determine that Parliament Speaker Mohamed Nasheed has lost his seat at the parliament on Monday.

Former President Nasheed is currently the representative of Machangoalhi Central constituency.

This case was submitted to the supreme court by lawyer Ahmed Thalib, on the account that Nasheed was representing Sri Lanka in the ongoing COP27 Summit in Egypt. Nasheed has been subject to heavy criticism for being part of another country's delegation and representing them as well, while holding state positions.

While the Supreme Court Registrar had rejected this case today, the decision can still be appealed before the court.

The Constitution of Maldives states that it will be the Supreme Court that determines whether a parliament member has lost their seat, if questions regarding their validity arises.

In response to criticism that was targeted towards Nasheed for his decision to represent Sri Lanka, the parliament had earlier said that the state did not bear the expenses of the trip.

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