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MWSC establishes water and sewerage services in Haa Dhaalu Kumundhoo

Male' Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC) has completed installing the water and sewerage system in Haa Dhaalu atoll Kumundhoo and has commissioned it.

Mariyath Mohamed
24 July 2024, MVT 15:43
Mariyath Mohamed
24 July 2024, MVT 15:43

Male' Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC) has completed installing the water and sewerage system in Haa Dhaalu atoll Kumundhoo and has commissioned it.

Commissioning water and sewerage systems in the island was conducted by Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure, Fenaka Corporation and MWSC.

According to MWSC, under this project, they have completed establishment of the facility building in the island to install the water plant, laid out the main network of the sewerage pipes, and installed water and sewerage connections in residences.

Water storage tanks have also been placed, boreholes drilled, and pumping station, sea outfall and reject line has also been laid.

MWSC further said they will provide the resources needed for water quality investigation.

This project was contracted to MWSC by Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure and is worth MVR 102.17 million.

The project has facilitated clean water access and safe sewerage systems for residents of the island.

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