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Spread of common diseases uncontained, cases surging across the country

The spread of common cold has begun increasing across Maldives. HPA statistics revealed that cases of viral and dengue fever, common cold and diarrhea has been gradually increasing in the country.

Aishath Shuba Solih
11 June 2024, MVT 10:41
People walking on the streets of Male' wearing masks.
Aishath Shuba Solih
11 June 2024, MVT 10:41

With difficulties in containing the spread of common diseases such as colds and fever, reported cases in Maldives has begun surging.

Statistics disclosed today by Health Protection Agency (HPA) revealed that cases of dengue fever, viral fever, common cold and diarrhea has begun gradually increasing across the country.

April saw 247 reported cases of dengue fever this year, however this number doubled the following month with 610 reported cases. Last year, 330 patients had reportedly contracted the disease in April while May 2023 saw a decline from this with 272 cases of dengue fever reported to HPA.

Cases of common cold in May this year had similarly observed a decline from April, with 21,720 cases reported in May while 22,739 cases were reported in April. The previous year saw 29,970 patients with common cold in April and 21,327 cases in May.

From 1,139 samples taken to test for influenza this year, 161 people tested positive for the disease.

Meanwhile, 2,712 patients had visited the doctor due to diarrhea this April while 2,923 people had reportedly contracted diarrhea in May. These numbers stood at 3,044 on March last year with April observing 2,778 cases of diarrhea.

Safety precautions against diseases

- Stay attentive to general hygiene, such as washing hands with soap

- Wash hands with soap before meal preparations or eating

- Increase liquid intake

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