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Every Maldivian citizen is equal in my eyes: Dr. Muizzu

02 October 2023, MVT 13:03
A supporter hugging Dr. Mohamed Muizzu during the press conference held after his win in the presidential election.
02 October 2023, MVT 13:03

"Every Maldivian citizen is equal in my eyes. Whatever party they belong to, in front of me, they are still beloved Maldivian citizens."

Presidential candidate of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and People's National Congress (PNC), and president-elect Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, has stated that every Maldivian citizen is equal before him, regardless of differences in opinions.

Dr. Muizzu met with journalists on October 1 after winning the presidential election, in a meeting held in Henveiru Meerumaa Hall. His running mate and vice president-elect Hussain Mohamed Latheef as well as most of the leadership of the PPM/PNC participated in the event.

Dr. Muizzu said that his actions would always be in line with the the pledges that he had made.

Muizzu shakes hands with his Running Mate Hussain Mohamed Latheef during the press conference after his win.

"Every Maldivian citizen is equal in my eyes. Whatever party the person belongs to, in front of me, he/she is a beloved Maldivian citizen. He/she has equal rights, and will be treated equally in all matters," said Dr. Muizzu

"I thank all the people who put their trust in me, as well as those beloved citizens do not yet have the same mindset," Dr. Muizzu.

Dr. Muizzu said that the election results were a source of great encouragement to build the future of the country, and ensure its independence. He said that the results showed how much the people wanted a brighter future.

"I thank all the people who put their trust in me, as well as those who have different mindsets but are still beloved citizens of the Maldives."

A supporter taking a selfie with Dr. Muizzu during the press conference.

According to Dr. Muizzu, this is a time when everyone should be united. He emphasized that the interests of the country are much greater than each of us as individuals and urged for peace. He stated that each and every person must prioritize unity over personal interests to bring stability to the country.

Dr. Muizzu assured the people that he will bring stability to the country.

"The independence of our country will be protected. Our economy will be rebuilt. The days that follow will align with the hopes of the people. My words and actions will be in harmony. I will uphold the credibility of my words and conduct the affairs of the government and country in accordance with the wishes of the people," he said.

Interim leader of PPM/PNC Adhuray and MP for Naifaru constituency Shiyam at the press conference held after Dr. Muizzu's win in the election.

Dr. Muizzu said he will ensure that legal requirements are carried out peacefully and with speed during the upcoming transition period where preparations are made for a smooth exchange of power between two governments. He said that when he assumes power on November 17th, he will start work in line with the expectations of the people.

"Today is a very happy day for the Maldives. The people have made a strong decision to reclaim the Maldives. We will succeed in this together, as one" said Dr. Muizzu.

When the 586 ballot boxes placed in Maldives and abroad were counted after the elections, Dr. Muizzu received 129,159 votes, while his rival, MDP presidential candidate and current president Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, received 109,868 votes.