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Maldivians in Bangladesh doing well, two students being repatriated

Bangladesh's protests are ongoing with multiple deaths reported over the past few days. The Maldivian government says Maldivians in Bangladesh are doing well, with two students being repatriated upon their request.

Ameera Osmanagic
22 July 2024, MVT 07:32
Anti-quota protesters clash with the police in Dhaka on July 18, 2024. Bangladesh students vowed on July 18 to continue nationwide protests against civil service hiring rules, rebuffing an olive branch from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina who pledged justice for seven killed in the demonstrations. (Photo by MUNIR UZ ZAMAN / AFP)
Ameera Osmanagic
22 July 2024, MVT 07:32

Maldivian students in Bangladesh are in good condition despite the ongoing heated protests against civil service job recruitment quotas in the country, but two students are in the process of being repatriated, revealed Maldives' Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

While what started as peaceful protests have now turned deadly with police opening fire on protestors, about forty people, including students, are reported to have been killed. The Bangladeshi government has also cut off electricity and has started implementing curfews, international reports say. All educational institutions, including schools, vocational training centres and Islamic education centres also remain closed until further notice from the government.

In a statement issued today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Maldives said that the two students who are being repatriated back home are medical students studying in northern colleges which are currently closed. The repatriation is being facilitated upon the request of the students, the statement further said.

The Ministry said that students' border crossing from Bangladesh was also facilitated by the Maldivian High Commission in the country as well as the Maldivian High Commission in New Delhi, India.

The Maldivian High Commission in Bangladesh is also closely monitoring the condition of the remaining Maldivian students, families and other Maldivians in the country, the statement read.

Currently there are 90 registered students and families in the country, Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

"The High Commission has informed [us] that the overall condition of the Maldivian students in Bangladesh is good," the statement assured.

In light of the current situation of the country, the Foreign Ministry urges all Maldivians to contact the local high commission if any assistance is required.

The statement also implored Maldivians to abide by the curfew and instructions of the Bangladeshi authorities during this time.

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