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Maldives to be promoted in Russia during World Cup

Fathmath Shaahunaz
15 May 2018, MVT 17:08
Tourism Minister Moosa Zameer (R) awards the project to advertise the Maldives in Moscow during World Cup Russia to Cabvertising Europe. PHOTO: ALI SHINAN/MIHAARU
Fathmath Shaahunaz
15 May 2018, MVT 17:08

The government has awarded a project to taxi advertising firm, Cabvertising Europe, to promote the Maldives in Russia during the upcoming FIFA World Cup in June.

In a ceremony held Tuesday, Minister of Tourism Moosa Zameer announced that the marketing project was awarded for EUR 40,000 (MVR 735, 580), under which Cabvertising Europe would advertise Maldivian tourism on 100 taxis in the Russian capital of Moscow.

The advertising campaign is to commence on June 15, a day after the World Cup kicks off, and will last two months.

Stating that the project falls under the government's marketing endeavours ahead of the string of new resorts to be opened in the Maldives, Minister Zameer expressed hopes that the taxi advertisements would draw the attention of millions expected to flood Moscow during the World Cup.