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SOE committee recommends immediate dismissal of employees accused of corruption

Deputy Speaker Nazim highlighted the need for a structural change that would allow for the immediate dismissal of an employee when a corruption case is submitted to the ACC and the individual is flagged for investigation.

Malika Shahid
13 August 2024, MVT 10:22
Public Accounts Committee meeting held on Tuesday -- Photo: Parliament Public Accounts Committee meeting held on Tuesday -- Photo: Parliament
Public Accounts Committee meeting held on Tuesday -- Photo: Parliament
Malika Shahid
13 August 2024, MVT 10:22

Parliament's Public Accounts Committee approved a recommendation to the government to amend the human resources structure of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to enable the immediate dismissal of employees accused of corruption.

During the committee meeting, Deputy Speaker Ahmed Nazim highlighted that under the current system, employees can remain in their positions until corruption cases are referred to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and the investigation is completed. This allows for the potential for further corrupt activities within the company, he said.

"I propose that companies or the government amend the human resource policies of SOEs so that action can be taken against those identified by the Anti-Corruption Commission as being involved in corrupt activities," Nazim said.

He cited an ongoing investigation by another parliamentary committee, where a company's Managing Director allegedly defrauded the board into entering a settlement agreement that resulted in a USD 7 million fraud.

"There are likely still people within the company who were involved, supported, advised, or encouraged this act. It is not acceptable for such employees to remain in the company," Nazim added.

Mihaaru News reported that the case involved former State Electric Company Limited (STELCO) Managing Director Ahmed Shareef.

Nazim highlighted the need for a structural change that would allow for the immediate dismissal of an employee when a corruption case is submitted to the ACC and the individual is flagged for investigation.

The motion was supported by Hanimaadhoo MP Abdul Gafoor Moosa of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and was unanimously passed by the committee.