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Registrations for poverty list to be opened under new regulations

Maldives Zakat House will be accepting applications to self register on the poverty list to receive Zakat benefits.

Ameera Osmanagic
17 May 2024, MVT 11:14
Zakat payments being made by individuals during Ramandan -- Photo: Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
17 May 2024, MVT 11:14

Maldives Zakat House has decided to open applications to self register on the poverty list as per the new regulations set forth by the organisation on 8th May.

Zakat House, in a recent announcement said that applications would be opened this coming Sunday. New registration requests from residents of Malé, Hulhumalé and Villimalé will be accepted everyday except government holidays between 09:00 am to 12:00 noon, the announcement reads.

The registration form can be downloaded from www.zakathouse.gov.mv and applications will be accepted from the Zakat House office counters.

Those who received Zakat this year, but have not undergone a change in circumstances and as such have not been notified of being removed from the poverty list will not be required to register again as they are still members of the list, the organisation said.

Currently there are 8,000 individuals registered on the poverty list.

This past Ramadan, Zakat House distributed MVR 8,000 as Zakat to every individual on the poverty list within the Malé area. Zakat is the third pillar of Islam and it is a form of alms giving mandatory for Muslims.

Zakat House was established on 18th December 2023 by the current administration under purview of Ministry of Islamic Affairs.

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