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Al-Azar University gifts over 6,000 Arabic text books to Arabiyya School

Fathmath Shaahunaz
19 January 2020, MVT 16:37
Egyptian Ambassador to Maldives Hussein El Saharty hands over the text books donated through Al-Azhar University to Arabiyya School, which were received by Minister of Education Aishath Ali and Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid. PHOTO/FOREIGN MINISTRY
Fathmath Shaahunaz
19 January 2020, MVT 16:37

The government of Egypt handed over 6,461 Arabic text books donated through the prestigious Al-Azhar University, to Arabiyya School on Sunday.

The books were presented by Egyptian Ambassador to Maldives Hussein El Saharty, and received by Minister of Education Aishath Ali and Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid.

This year's contribution marks a generous increase from the 40 books typically donated in previous years, with the government purchasing the rest.

Speaking at the ceremony held at the foreign ministry, Minister Shahid thanked Al-Azhar University for its longstanding support towards the education field of Maldives, highlighting the university's teacher exchange programme and scholarship opportunities for Maldivian students.

Noting the university's contributions to the socio-economic and human resource development of Maldives, Minister Shahid declared that the most prominent Islamic scholars of Maldives had graduated from Al-Azhar, including former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

Further acknowledging the 50 years of diplomatic ties between Maldives and Egypt, the minister announced that President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih will appoint a non-resident ambassador to Egypt.

Speaking at the ceremony, Egyptian Ambassador Saharty stated that Al-Azhar perceived the donation as an important responsibility. He vowed to work towards strengthening the existing relations between the two countries.

The principal of Arabiyya School attended the ceremony, along with senior officials from the education and foreign ministries.