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MP Jabir resigns from DRP to form new party

Malika Shahid
13 February 2023, MVT 12:04
Kaashidhoo MP Abdulla Jabir: he has resigned from DRP to form a new political party
Malika Shahid
13 February 2023, MVT 12:04

Kaashidhoo MP, Abdulla Jabir, has resigned from the leadership and membership of the Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) to establish a new political party.

In an interview with Mihaaru News, Jabir stated that despite his initial willingness to continue with DRP, the party's lack of activity posed significant difficulties. He further stated that he had attempted to attract new members to the party, but was unsuccessful on two occasions.

Jabir attributed the ongoing financial difficulties of DRP as a major factor behind his resignation. He also mentioned the recent decision by the Election Commission (EC) to dissolve DRP as the party failed to meet the minimum membership requirement of 3,000 as mandated by law. The EC has recently asked DRP to cease all political activities until the matter is resolved.

Jabir has announced that he will be forming a new political party called the "Green Party of Maldives" (GPM). The EC is expected to register the party on the same day. According to Jabir, the party's main objective is to participate in this year's presidential election, but their current priority is to register new members.

DRP was established on July 21, 2005, and was once the second largest political party in the Maldives. It was led by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

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