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Aminath Shifleen awarded Best Journalist of 2021

Mohamed Rehan
14 November 2022, MVT 18:39
Aminath Shifleen won the "Best Journalist" award at the Journalism Awards 2021-- Photo: Fayaaz Moosa
Mohamed Rehan
14 November 2022, MVT 18:39

Aminath Shifleen, from "Dhauru News" won the "Best Journalist" Award at the Journalism Awards 2021.

The awards organized by Maldives Media Council (MMC), is held annually, celebrating and recognizing achievements of local journalists and reporters.

This marks the second time Shifleen has won the Best Journalist title. She won the title first back in 2017.

Her professional journalism career includes working at other prominent media outlets including "Haveeru" and "Mihaaru News".

Apart from the Best Journalist title, the Journalism Awards 2021 recognized winners in nine other sub-categories along with Most Promising Journalist title as well, under the Print and Online Journalism category. Awards for broadcasting category was excluded this year owing to lack of nominees.

Journalism Awards 2021

The journalists who won at the most recently held Journalism Awards include (including their current place of employment);

- Mohamed Hamdhoon (Mihaaru News) - Social Issues

- Fazeena Ahmed (Mihaaru News) - Political journalism

- Shafna Hussain (Dhauru) - Law and judiciary correspondence

- Ahmed Naaif (Dhauru) - Business journalism

- Mohamed Azzam (Adhadhu) - Sports journalism

- Ahmed Ali - Video Journalism

- Nishan Ali (Mihaaru News - Photo Journalism

- Abdulla Shafeeu (Adhadhu) - Graphics and illustration

- Najah Massood (Mihaaru News) - Feature writing

Aalim Abdul Latheef, currently employed at "Mihaaru News" won the Most Promising Journalist award. He previously worked at Sun Online.

Long-time contributors were recognized for their dedication and continued work in the field. Both Dr. Ali Rafeeq and Mohamed Waheed (Madulu), two known veterans in the journalism field, were awarded with "Hayaathee Arutha" (or Lifetime Achievement) titles at the ceremony.

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