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Ibu to Haa Dhaalu, Faisal to Faafu and Dhaalu atolls on campaign trail

Nafaahath Ibrahim
12 August 2018, MVT 12:01
Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (Ibu) and his running mate Faisal Naseem (R). PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED / MIHAARU
Nafaahath Ibrahim
12 August 2018, MVT 12:01

The opposition presidential candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (Ibu) and his running mate Faisal Naseem departed on more campaign trips to the atolls on Sunday.

While Ibu is visiting all the inhabited islands of Haa Dhaal Atoll, Faisal is to visit islands in Faafu Atoll and Dhaal Atoll.

Ibu kicked off his trip with Hanimaadhoo and will have a larger gathering at Makunudhoo on Sunday night.

Meanwhile, Faisal would be continuing his trip until Tuesday, by which he would have visited 42 islands during these campaign trails. His most recent visit was to Lhaviyani Atoll.

This year's Presidential Elections is to be held on September 23. So far, President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom and Ibu are the only official candidates announced by the Elections Commission.