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Maldives Parliamentary Elections 2024: PNC wins majority

Elections Commission officials have commenced counting the votes at 18:00hrs.

Mariyath Mohamed
21 April 2024, MVT 18:37
Majilis Election 2024: Vote counting started.-- Photo: Nishan ali / mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
21 April 2024, MVT 18:37

22:09 - MDP has lost Hinnavaru seat after 30 years. Former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih filled the seat for 25 years, after which Jeehan Mahmood filled it for the most recent term. In today's election, PNC candidate Mohamed Abdul Rahman defeat Jeehan and won the seat.

21:57 - All three seats in Fuvahmulah have been won by PNC. The three seats were earlier held by MDP MPs.

North Fuvahmulah constituency was won by Hamadh Abdulla. Ali Fazad, who previously was in the seat, was elected for Central Fuvahmulah constituency, defeating the sitting MP for the area, Hussain Mohamed Didi.

South Fuvahmulah constituency was won by Ibrahim Hussain, who defeated MDP's Nazra Naseem.

21:36 - The Democrats, breakaway party from MDP, has failed to win any seats in today's parliamentary elections. 39 candidates contested from The Democrats.

21:31 - Both seats of Kulhudhuhfushi have been won by PNC.:

South Kulhudhuhfushi seat was won by PNC's Faruhath Mohamed, defeating MDP's Ali Waheed.

North Kulhudhuhfushi seat was won by PNC Mohamed Daud, defeating sitting MP for the constituency, MDP's Yasir Abdul Latheef.

21:30 -

21:18 -

21:16 - Majority Leader Mohamed Rasheed Hussain (Bigey) has faced defeat in today's parliamentary election. Alifushi constituency, for which he contested, was won by PNC Candidate Abdul Latheef Abdul Rahman (Yathal).

21:14 - North Mahchangolhi constituency has been won by PNC Candidate Ibrahim Mohamed (Ibbe Janab), brother of First Lady Sajidha Mohamed.1

21:10 - MP Gasim Ibrahim for Maamigili constituency and MP Ahmed Siyam for Meedhoo constituency have been re-elected to their seats. This is Gasim's fourth term as MP for Maamigili constituency, and Siyam's fifth term in parliament.

21:02 - Ruling PPM/PNC coalition has won the majority of seats in capital Male' city in today's parliamentary election.

As per the interim results received so far, PPM/PNC has won 8 out of the 17 seats.

20:57 - Eydhafushi constituency has been won by Ahmed Saleem, and Mulaku constituency won by his son, Ibrahim Naufal. They both contested on PNC tickets.

Ibrahim naufal

20: 50 - Parliament Speaker and MP for North Hithadhoo Mohamed Aslam has lost parliamentary elections after having served four consecutive parliament terms.

With seven candidates contesting for the North Hithadhoo constituency seat in today's election, PNC candidate Mohamed Sinan (Sina) appears to have succeeded in winning the seat. Aslam was the closest contender, but failed to beat Sinan's total.

Speaker MP Mohamed Aslam

20:41 - Interim results indicate that North Mahchangolhi is being led by PNC Candidate Ibrahim Mohamed (Ibbe Janab), marking a loss for Ahmed Faris Maumoon.2

Meanwhile Faris' sister, Dunya Maumoon is also facing a loss in South Hulhumale', with PNC's Shaneez Hashim (Shanko) leading in the constituency.

20:33 - As indicated by the latest results, five out of the eight parliamentary seats in Addu have been won by PNC candidates. MDP won one seat.

As per the interim results, Hulhudhoo, North Hithadhoo, Central Hithadhoo, South Hithadhoo and North Feydhoo constituencies have been won by PNC.

20:22 - After three consecutive terms, MP Eva Abdulla has lost her seat. Galolhu North constituency was won this time by Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) candidate Mohamed Ibrahim (Kudu).

Eva has conceded and congratulated Mohamed Ibrahim (Kudu). She expressed gratitude to the people of Galolhu Uthuru for the trust and confidence they placed in her over the years.

Eva abdulla interview

20:05 - As of now, ruling People's National Congress (PNC) has won 50 out of the 93 seats in the 20th People's Majlis, winning majority in the upcoming parliament.

Parliament majority is reached by half the seats - meaning 47 seats, and a super majority can be reached by three fourth of seats, amounting to 70.

20:00 - Special Advisor to the President and PNC's Chairperson Abdul Raheem Abdulla has won the Fonadhoo constituency seat

PNC Feshun Jalsa

19:40 - Nilandhoo constituency seat has been won by PNC Candidate Fathimath Saudha as per interim results

18:23 - Vote counting has commenced in some centers now. Interim results are expected to start coming in soon. Vote boxes have been sealed in most centres now.

Majilis Election 2024: Vote counting started.-- Photo: fayaz moosa / mihaaru