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MDP aims to strengthen efforts to hold government accountable

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has decided last night to step up efforts to hold the government accountable and to work more diligently towards rectifying issues.

Mariyath Mohamed
08 August 2024, MVT 10:04
MDP National Council meeting-Fayyaz Ismail
Mariyath Mohamed
08 August 2024, MVT 10:04

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has decided last night to step up efforts to hold the government accountable and to work more diligently towards rectifying issues.

The party held a meeting of its National Council last night after a long gap, where Chairperson Fayyaz Ismail stated that in future, a council meeting would be held once a week during the day.

He claimed that it falls upon MDP to complete work that the ruling People's National Congress (PNC) majority holding parliament is unable to achieve, which makes it important to hold weekly meetings with representatives from all constituencies.

MDP National Council meeting

"Everything that was said here tonight goes onto prove that the citizens need MDP to be more assertive in its actions than it is being now," Fayyaz said.

Fayyaz stated that even at present, MDP is conducting work on holding the government accountable. This includes holding panel discussions, party hub meetings, interviews and issuing press statements.

"Even our aim was to try in different ways to see if the government would listen. Quietly requesting, loudly demanding, saying it shortly, in all these ways, we tried to make the government hear us," Fayyaz said.

"We were fulfilling the obligations of a responsible opposition. However, at this point, considering the current situation, we can no longer stay and watch as through incompetence and lack of knowledge, they are driving this country to depths it could have been saved from."

Fayyaz said that MDP must prepare itself to work towards making the government hear their concerns about people being dismissed from government positions at a time when prices of goods are on the rise.

MDP National Council meeting-Fayyaz Ismail

A resolution was also passed during last night's National Council meeting to seek justice for people dismissed from government jobs.

As per the resolution, a five member team from MDP will lead this work. The committee will consist of MDP Vice President Hisaan Hussain, Legal Director Mahfooz Saeed, Kendhoo constituency MP Mauroof Zakir, Alifushi constituency MDP President Mohamed Rasheed Hussan (Bigey) and Kudahuvadhoo constituency MDP President Shathir Abdul Rahman.

The resolution was passed unanimously through the votes of all attendees at last night's council meeting.

All who spoke during the meeting emphasized the need for MDP to strengthen its work in holding the government accountable, saying that the country's affairs are currently going down a risky path.

Fayyaz said that MDP has given sufficient time and opportunity to reform its ways to the government.

"We have to do all we can, even if through assisting the government, to ensure that the country does not sink into a dark pit," Fayyaz said.

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