International Aid Campaign (IAC), which is a Maldivian NGO formed with the aim of providing humanitarian support for the Palestine, has raised MVR 23 million in donations for the cause since Israel launched attacks.
IAC released its statistics on Sunday revealing the NGO has raised a total of MVR 23,987,108 in the past 20 days, which includes USD 13,023.
"We thank everyone for your continued aid and support to counter humanitarian crises like these," IAC said.
The NGO in its report confirmed that with the exemption of 12.5 percent of the funds donated, the rest are fully utilized in providing humanitarian aid. IAC said that the 12.5 percent of the funds are used for logistical expenditures in assisting the areas requiring relief.
Besides IAC, Maldivian Red Crescent (MRC) has opened a relief fund for the Palestine as well.
The NGO revealed statistics of donations amid funds embellishment allegations on IAC. The organization however, denied the claims and confirmed it would publicly disclose a third-party audit on them.
IAC's Director of Media and Public Relations Azhar Ahmed assured the funds raised in donations were carefully handed over to the rightful people in need of relief and aid.
Azhar further said that IAC, founded in 2016, has maintained a "high level transparency" since its inception, and added that the organization has properly documents transactions made from IAC's accounts.
The organization regularly uploads social media posts to verify their donations to the communities requiring support.
During the peaceful rally dubbed "Maldivians in solidarity with Palestine" organized by the International Aid Campaign (IAC)-- Photo: Mihaaru