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Ministry to send 20 people to Mecca for Imam training

As part of the initial phase of the national project by the Islamic Ministry last month to enhance the training of Imams, a group of 20 Imams and Khateebs are set to train in Mecca.

13 February 2024, MVT 16:47
Friday prayer at Islamic Centre: the ministry aims to train all existing Imams in the country by the end of the year.
13 February 2024, MVT 16:47

Under the initial phase of the national project initiated by the Islamic Ministry last month to enhance the training of Imams, a group of 20 Imams and Khateebs is set to undergo training in Mecca.

Islamic Minister Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed said that the Islamic Ministry has decided to enhance the training of Imams by sending them to advanced nations, including Arab Islamic countries and renowned Islamic universities.

The Minister said that the first batch of 20 individuals will commence their training program on Friday, with additional Imams scheduled to participate in the second program in April.

Minister Dr. Shaheem said that this year's programs will take participants to Egypt, Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia.

He said the idea behind such a program was to make Imams serving in mosques academically competent and well-trained.

A training program was also started in Gaafu Alifu atoll Gemanafushi yesterday as part of the national initiative to train all imams and Khateebs in the Maldives. A total of 77 imams from southern islands are participating in the program.

The Ministry has set the goal to ensure that all existing Imams in the country successfully complete the program by the end of the year.

The Minister has expressed a commitment to improving the salary structure for Imams. Initiatives include offering master's scholarships for those who have completed their degrees and providing Ph.D. scholarships for individuals who have already attained master's degrees.

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