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Reappointment of cabinet members denied parliament approval underway

It has been learned that the President's Office has commenced the process of reappointing the three cabinet Ministers who were denied parliament approval.

Malika Shahid
29 January 2024, MVT 18:26
President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu appoints Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed as the Minister of Islamic Affairs. -- Photo: President's Office
Malika Shahid
29 January 2024, MVT 18:26

Out of the 22 members of President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu's cabinet, three were denied approval by parliament and are now in the process of being re-appointed to their ministerial posts.

The three members who did not receive parliament approval are Attorney General Ahmed Usham, Minister of Housing, Land and Urban Development Dr. Ali Haidar Ahmed, and Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed.

It is learned that the President's Office has commenced the process of reappointing the three ministers. The President's Office has also requested the Supreme Court to appoint a judge to administer the oath of office to them. Therefore, it is believed that the Supreme Court judges will also convene today to decide on the matter.

Vote details

- AG Usham received 24 votes in favour, 44 against

- Dr. Haidar received 23 votes in favour, 46 against

- Dr. Shaheem received 30 votes in favour, 31 against, with 8 abstentions

According to Article 129 of the Maldives Constitution, Ministers appointed have to be sent to parliament for approval within seven days of their appointment.

According to Article 129 of the Maldives Constitution, ministers appointed must be submitted to the parliament for approval within seven days of their appointment.

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), which holds a majority in parliament, has decided to submit a vote of no confidence against President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu.