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BML lifts USD withdrawal limit

Mohamed Rehan
01 February 2023, MVT 13:10
[File] Dollars withdrawn from a BML atm
Mohamed Rehan
01 February 2023, MVT 13:10

Bank of Maldives (BML) announced lifting USD withdrawal limit the bank had imposed during the Covid pandemic on Wednesday.

The bank said that effective from February 1, the monthly limit of USD 2,000 will be lifted.

Customers can now withdraw USD 1,600 daily from the bank’s USD ATMs.

According to BML, customers with USD primary accounts can make daily international transactions up to USD 3,000 from their debit cards. Dollar accounts can also be used for international money transfers through internet and mobile banking.

Although the limit on withdrawal of dollars from ATMs and accounts has been lifted, the limit on foreign transactions using BML cards has not been changed. Customers are still allowed up to USD 750 monthly transactions from their credit cards.

In addition to this, customers with MVR accounts as their primary BML accounts can make international transactions up to USD 250 monthly using their debit cards.

BML currently has USD ATMs at Henveiru Marine Dream, Velana International Airport (VIA), and Renaatus Ithaa Muiy apartment complex at Hulhumalé.

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