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News / HDC

HDC to replace small business huts with kiosks

HDC removed the previous food huts operating from the area without permits and is replacing them with kiosks.

Ameera Osmanagic
09 July 2024, MVT 08:52
Kiosks being developed at Hulhumalé Phase 2 -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
09 July 2024, MVT 08:52

Housing Development Corporation (HDC),which manages Hulhumalé, has started setting up kiosks in the 'ruh gandu' and beach area of Hulhumalé Phase 2, replacing the food huts previously located in the area.

The huts there were demolished by HDC earlier for operating without permits and not clearing the area despite notices. At the time, HDC said that the reason for clearing out the area was to develop it properly.

An official from HDC said that the area is now being set up with kiosks, but that it is yet to be decided on what basis the kiosks would be issued in since the work is still ongoing.

Currently HDC has kiosks installed in Phase 1 of Hulhumalé as well. These kiosks are leased to those who apply for it, and are regularly monitored by the corporation.

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