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High Court upholds order for Fenaka to disclose debt details

Mohamed Rehan
05 December 2023, MVT 10:39
High Court; the court held Information Commissioner's order demanding Fenaka Corporation reveal debt information, was correct-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
05 December 2023, MVT 10:39

The High Court has upheld the Information Commissioner's order for the Fenaka Corporation to disclose its debts, deeming it to be correct.

The Information Commissioner demanded that the utility provider disclose its debts on October 23, a decision contested by Fenaka Corporation through an appeal at the High Court.

The High Court's order on Sunday, December 3, stated that although Fenaka Corporation argued that disclosing information, in accordance with the Right to Information Act, would infringe and economically harm third-party businesses, the court found that the disclosure of such information and its adverse impact lacks sufficient credibility.

Additionally, the appellate court held that Fenaka failed to provide sufficient proof of how the disclosure of the information was in violation of the confidentiality policy.

The judges bench on the case unanimously held that the Information Commissioner's order demanding disclosure of the debt information, was correct.

The bench comprised Justices Mohamed Faisal, Hussain Mazeed, and Fathimath Faruheeza, with Justice Faisal presiding as the chair.

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