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High Achievers Scholarship granted to 117 students

The High Achievers Scholarship has been granted to 117 students who earned A and higher five subjects in last year's A level examinations.

Mariyath Mohamed
19 July 2024, MVT 10:05
Mariyath Mohamed
19 July 2024, MVT 10:05

The High Achievers Scholarship has been granted to 117 students who earned A and higher five subjects in last year's A level examinations.

A total of 1407 students from 45 schools sat for their higher secondary exams last year, with 136 students scoring high grades in five subjects.

Out of these, 19 students scored A star in five subjects and were qualified for the President's Scholarship. 117 students scored A in five subjects and received the High Achievers Scholarship.

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu's daughter, Yasmin Mohamed Muizzu, was also amongst those who received the High Achievers Scholarship. Yasmin, who studied for her A'levels in Centre for Higher Secondary Education (CHSE) scored A grade in five subjects.

High achievers award

The High Achievers Scholarships were presented to the awardees by Minister of Higher Educations, Labour and Skills Development Dr Maryam Mariya at a special ceremony held last night in Huravee School.

Speaking at the ceremony, the Minister urged the scholarship awardees to make good use of their opportunity to pursue higher studies, and to serve the nation once their studies are completed.

"My advice to each of you is, when you are in a foreign country, bear in mind that every one of you is an ambassador of this nation. It is very important to be a good example when representing the country," she said.

The Minister emphasized the President's continued support and encouragement to provide higher education opportunities to Maldivians to build people into educated, capable individuals. She asserted that the positive results of this would be seen in the near future.