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A nation-wide program to train teachers and air condition all schools to be launched next academic year

Minister Ismail Shafeeu stated that the government has decided to launch a program to train teachers and establish ACs in all state owned schools during the upcoming new academic year.

Aishath Shuba Solih
14 May 2024, MVT 12:20
Minister of Education, Dr Ismail Shafeeu during an interview given to Mihaaru News. -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru News
Aishath Shuba Solih
14 May 2024, MVT 12:20

Minister of Education, Dr Ismail Shafeeu has stated that a program to train teachers and air condition all state owned education facilities is set to commence during the new academic school year scheduled to begin on May 26.

Lack of teachers, namely educators to teach special subjects is a challenge faced by schools each new academic year.

On a Facebook post, Minister Shafeeu stated that desirable changes will be implemented into the education system during the upcoming new academic year.

As such, the Minister assured that the government will launch a nation-wide program to train teachers and install ACs in all government schools in the country.

He explained that efforts will be undertaken to ensure the teaching profession is a career that carries dignity and to reduce the amount of time teachers have to spend in schools.

In addition to training teachers, the Minister further assured that air conditioners will be established in all schools within two years .

While the government has decided on commencing this project to install air conditioning units in all state owned schools, some education facilities are experiencing severe heat caused by a lack of such resources and have been compelled to receive aid from parents in order to source fans and ACs. The Ministry has been directed with heavy criticism due to this as well.

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