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Parliament passes amendment stipulating land plots be issued within three months

Ameera Osmanagic
29 April 2024, MVT 20:23
Ameera Osmanagic
29 April 2024, MVT 20:23

The Maldives Parliament today has passed an amendment to the Land Act of Maldives, requiring the government to hand over all land plots allocated, but not yet handed over to the rightful owners within three months.

The amendment was proposed by MP of South Galolhu constituency Mikail Naseem, citing that despite the long duration passed since the permanent list of Malé residents who would receive land plots under the ‘Binveriya’ (landowner) scheme initiated by the former administration was published, the lands are yet to be handed over.

The bill was passed by the parliament with 35 votes for and no votes against it.

According to the amendment, land plots must be handed over within three months of the permanent list of recipients being published on the government gazette. As such, any lands not handed over yet must be done within three months of the amendment coming into effect.

Former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s administration published the permanent list of recipients on August 13, 2023, and the bill in question was submitted to the parliament six months after that, in February of this year.

The former government decided to give out a total of 9,000 plots of land from Hulhumalé Phase 2, Hulhumalé Phase 3 which is being newly reclaimed, as well as Gulhifalhu and Giraavarufalhu under the Binveriya scheme. Many applicants who were deemed eligible received their registry and land plots during the previous government’s time.

According to the most recent reports by Housing Ministry, so far 8,394 individuals have received their land plots and have signed the agreement under this scheme. However, there are 303 plots to be given out still, out of which 16 individuals have requested to give up the lands they are to receive. Additionally, 12 individuals have also passed away since receiving their land.

The government has also provided individuals who have not collected their registries the opportunity to still be able to collect it.

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