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MMC elects new chief and deputy

Fathmath Shaahunaz
15 December 2020, MVT 18:15
MMC members attend the first meeting of the council's sixth term on December 15, 2020. PHOTO/MMC
Fathmath Shaahunaz
15 December 2020, MVT 18:15

Maldives Media Council (MMC), on Tuesday, elected Sangu TV's News Head Shahubaan Fahumy and Thiladhun's Editor Hussain Sageef as their president and vice president respectively.

The voting took place at the first sitting of MMC's sixth term, with 14 out of the 15 recently elected members present.

In addition to Shahubaan, Ali Hussain from PSM and citizen representative Mohamed Shafaau contended for the seat of president. Shahubaan won with six votes, while Hussain received five and Shafaaru three.

Hussain Sageef was the sole candidate for vice president. All members present at the sitting voted unanimously in his favour.

New members for the MMC were elected on December 5 via a voting process joined by 187 media outlets.

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