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Qasim appoints Ali Waheed and two others as advisors

Mohamed Rehan
03 August 2023, MVT 10:09
JP leader Qasim Ibrahim (C) with former Minister of Tourism Ali Waheed and the two local businessmen who were appointed as Qasim's Special Advisors-- Photo: Nihan | Twitter
Mohamed Rehan
03 August 2023, MVT 10:09

Qasim Ibrahim has appointed former Minister of Tourism Ali Waheed along with two of his close associates as the Jumhooree Party (JP) leader’s special advisors.

Besides the former minister who was also the former JP leader, Qasim appointed local businessmen Ibrahim Shujau and Ismail Shujau as his advisors.

Ali Waheed lost his position in JP following an amendment to the party’s regulations. However, he still remains as member of the party.

Ali Waheed was embroiled in a scandal after facing allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct from some of his female coworkers at the ministry which had lead to criminal charges being brought against him. Following the charges, he fled the Maldives and sought refuge in the United Kingdom (UK) until his return on July 11, 2023. He came back to the Maldives after all charges against him were dropped by the state.

Upon returning to the Maldives, Ali Waheed spoke with local media and announced his decision to take a step back from political activities. Instead, he expressed his intent to focus more on developing football in the country.

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