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November 10th declared government holiday

President's Office has announced 10th November as a government holiday.

Ameera Osmanagic
20 October 2024, MVT 18:39
[File] President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu -- Photo: President's Office
Ameera Osmanagic
20 October 2024, MVT 18:39

President's Office announced today that 10th November, 2024 has been declared a government holiday to allow for a long weekend on the occasion of the country's national day.

The announcement, which was signed off by the President's Office's Chief of Staff Abdulla Fayaz detailed that the decision was made since national day falls on Monday, the 11th of November.

Since Maldives' weekends fall on Friday and Saturday, allocating that week's Sunday, which was originally a working day according to the calendar, as a holiday stretches the weekend by an additional two days.

The President's Office also said that this would ensure employees would be entitled to uninterrupted leave during the holidays.

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