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Resort Volley League: Amilla Maldives' organizing receives high praise

Amilla Maldives receives high praise for the exemplary preparations they have organized for the Maldives Resort Volleyball League.

Mariyath Mohamed
23 July 2024, MVT 14:13
Mariyath Mohamed
23 July 2024, MVT 14:13

"I have never yet been to another resort where the preparations were this perfect."

These were the plaudits from Volleyball Academy Maldives President Mohamed Shaafee for Amilla Maldives, the host for Baa Zone matches in the Maldives Resort Volleyball League.

"Not just one thing, but everything overall. I have to say its extraordinary."

Amilla Maldives set up a volley stadium dedicated to the matches being played in the Baa Zone in the Resort Volleyball League, with teams from Baa, Raa, and Noonu atolls.


While the court is on sand, the area has been perfectly levelled, with seating set up around the court for spectators. There are convenient changing rooms also available for use by players. The entire area has been rebranded, instilling a cheerful atmosphere for the competitive games.

Amilla Maldives' preparations are for Resort Volleyball League, which Shaafee and the association are holding in a brand new format this time around. Although the league has been previously, this year it comes with major changes, the most significant of which is that players are now solely resort employees.

Resorts and players have previously complained about some teams bringing in national level players on large retainers for their teams, which takes away from the amiable spirit of the league.

Shaafee said that ultimate goal of this League is to allow employees at resorts to participate and play the game in a competitive environment.

"The players in this league will be employees who have worked at that resort for a minimum of three months, staff from that resort. This tournament is especially for resort employees."

The League includes Baa Zone, as well as Male' Zone. In Baa Zone, Amilla Maldives, Anantara Kihaavah Resort, Vakkaru Maldives, Siyam World and Joali Being will be participating.

The champion team and runner-up team from this zone will then qualify for the championship round. They will face off against Male' Zone Champion Four Seasons Kuda Huraa and runner-up Kandooma Resort. The final match between the semi finalists will be held on August 4 in Male'.

This tournament, organized by Volleyball Academy Maldives since 2022, is on large part successful due to the support and importance lent to it by resorts.

With the exemplary preparations made by Amilla Maldives for this year's League, the tournament is receiving even more attention this year.

The private luxury resort Amilla Maldives has always placed importance on holding sporting events, and supporting such endeavours. They have previously organized football training programs for children in Baa atoll islands with Australia's football star Tim Cahill. They have also held exhibition matches and coaching clinics with famous tennis players.

Amilla Maldives boasts a state of the art tennis court and football pitch on its premises.

"The next step would be to establish an indoor volleyball pitch," an official from the resort said regarding the development of the Maldives Volley Stadium.

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