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Customs has seized 14 kilograms of narcotics during the first three months of the year

Customs reveal that 14 kilograms of drugs have been seized after thwarting attempts to smuggle drugs into the country over the first three months of the year with the most number of confiscated drugs being Synthetic Cathinones.

Aishath Shuba Solih
09 April 2024, MVT 15:21
Locations that conduct drugs businesses highlighted on a map of Male' City. -- Photo: Mihaaru News
Aishath Shuba Solih
09 April 2024, MVT 15:21

Maldives Customs Service has declared that over 14 kilograms of narcotics has been seized during attempts to smuggle them into the country.

The agency has revealed statistics detailing the drugs that were confiscated amid various operations intercepting drug trafficking attempts over the course of the first three months of the year.

The statistics indicate that the most number of the drug type seized so far this year are Synthetic Cathinones. The second highest number of drugs recorded being smuggled into the country was Heroin.

Drug varieties and amounts as revealed by the Customs Statistics

- 6,544 grams of Synthetic Cathinones

- 5,300 grams of Heroin

- 1,152 grams of MDMA (Ecstasy)

- 570 grams of Methamphetamine

- 350 grams of Amphetamine

Relevant institutions have begun joint efforts to close the doors that allow narcotics to be smuggled into the country, which includes acquiring additional equipment and strengthening training.

On March 3, Maldives Police Services had revealed that a number of operations launched in collaboration with Customs over the course of three days had confiscated narcotics worth MVR 22 million (USD 1,424,186.94).

As most recently announced by the Minister of Homeland Security and Technology, Ali Ihusan, the Intelligence lead Counter Narcotics Operations run through joint efforts of the Police and Customs had seized 17 kilograms of drugs being smuggled into the country.

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