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President decides to cap utility bills during Ramadan

President Muizzu said that utility bills will be capped during Ramadan at the same rate as they are during a normal month.

Malika Shahid
04 March 2024, MVT 11:51
Residents of Baa atoll Eydhafushi welcome President Muizzu
Malika Shahid
04 March 2024, MVT 11:51

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu announced last night that electricity and water bills will be capped during the month of Ramadan.

Addressing the residents of Baa atoll Eydhafushi, President Muizzu said that the increase in electricity and water bills during the month of Ramadan has always been a complaint, but the bills will not be increased this Ramadan.

"The electricity and water bills will be capped at the same rate as they are during a normal month," the President said.

The President said State Electric Company Limited (STELCO) has also been informed to cancel the MVR 30 charge levied by the company from islands where they provide their services.

"It is a pleasure for me to give such ease to citizens. The people are in a very difficult situation. The Maldives economy is in dire straits. We are trying to provide relief to the citizens while boosting the economy," the President said.

The President said that 10 kg of rice and flour will be gifted to each household during the month of Ramadan, which is also undertaken to provide aid to the people. The work will begin next week, he said.

In addition, the councils will be charged at the domestic rate instead of the current government rate when they pay the electricity bills of mosques, which will further reduce the electricity bill, he said.

President Muizzu said that in this way, the council's budget can be utilized to run the council, which will benefit the people.

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